Ruptureworts, Nailworts & Allies
Chickweed Family - Caryophyllaceae
Smooth Rupturewort Herniaria glabraNative throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Central Asia. Whole plant a pale, yellowish-green. Leaves and sepals hairless or with just a few hairs.
Hairy Rupturewort Herniaria hirsuta
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to the Arabian Peninsula and western Asia. Whole plant greyish-green, annual. Leaves 1.5-3 times as long as broad, clearly hairy. Stipules more or less smooth on outer surface. Stamens often less than five. Sepals with longer hairs at tip than at base. Fruits as long as or shorter than sepals.
Grey Rupturewort Herniaria incana
Native through most of the Mediterranean Region and parts of eastern Europe to western Asia and Iran. Whole plant bristly, greyish-green, perennial. Leaves 3-5 times as long as broad. Stamens five. Stipules hairy on outer surface.
Spiny Nailwort Paronychia echinulata
Native to Macaronesia and the Mediterranean Region. Annual, stems often reddish. Stipules scarious, shorter than leaves. Sepals equal, awned at apex; bracts hardly concealing flowers.
Large-sepalled Nailwort Paronychia macrosepala
Native to the eastern Mediterranean Region from Greece to the Levant. Leaves slightly fleshy and with silky hairs. Four stipules at each node. Sepals entirely herbaceous, distinctly unequal; bracts hardly concealing flowers.
Four-leaved Allseed Polycarpon tetraphyllum
Native to most of Europe, eastwards and southwards to Sri Lanka and East Africa. A common urban weed in much of its range, especially occurring in cracks in paving.
Annual Knawel Scleranthus annuus
Native throughout most of Europe, the Mediterranean Basin, Middle East and northern and western Asia. Flowers petalless, the four green sepals opening conspicuously and bearing a whitish edge, the white being only half as wide as the green part on the back. An annual species with no woody base and no non-flowering stems at flowering time.