Campions & Catchflys
Campion Family - Caryophyllaceae
Common Soapwort Saponaria officinalisNative throughout Europe and the mediterranean Region eastwards to western Asia. A spreading perennial that can form quite extensive stands of vegetation. Flowers carried in whorls on upright spikes; sometimes found in its double-flowered form. Leaves have distinctly impressed veins.
Cowherb Gypsophila vaccaria
(Vaccaria hispanica) Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to the Himalayas. A small plant, usually less than 30cm high. The strongly five-ribbed calyx is distinctive.
Hairy Pink Petrorhagia dubia
(Petrorhagia velutina) Native throughout the Mediterranean Region. Frequent in grassy and rocky places. Has a section of dense, glandular hairs on the stem, near the leaf nodes.
Common Corncockle Agrostemma githago
Native from Italy westwards through the Mediterranean to the Caucasus amd Iran. A distinctive species, due to its very long sepals and hairy, lanceolate leaves and stems.
Forked Catchfly Silene dichotoma
Native from Italy eastwards through South-east Europe to western Siberia and through the Middle East to Iran. A common species along roadsides and field margins in Lesvos.
Italian Catchfly Silene italica
Native to southern Europe and eastwards through the Black Sea region to the Caucasus and Iran.
Bladder Campion Silene vulgaris
Native throughout most of temperate and warm temperate Eurasia.
Bean Catchfly Silene fabaria
Native to Greece and Turkey. Typically found in coastal habitats.
Stonecrop Catchfly Silene sedoides
Native to the Mediterranean Region and typically found in coastal sands and rocks.
Cretan Catchfly Silene cretica
Native to the Mediterranean Region from Italy to the Middle East.
Behen Catchfly Silene behen
Native to the Mediterranean Region in grassy places.
Nocturnal Catchfly Silene nocturna
Native to the Mediterranean Region in grassy places. Flowers clustered close together, unstalked; calyx pubescent.
Small-flowered Catchfly Silene gallica
Native to the Mediterranean Region and widely introduced elsewhere. Occurs in a wide range of habitats but typically in disturbed or cultivated ground.
Mediterranean Catchfly Silene colorata
Native and common in the Mediterranean Region, most often in coastal sands or on road verges. As with a number of catchfly species, the petals inroll on themselves during the heat of the day.