Buttercup Family - Ranunculaceae
Note that this is a difficult group with many, very similar species in the Mediterranean region. There are many more species on Lesvos than currently shown here, but others will be added as photos become available.
Lesser Celandine Ranunculus ficaria
(Ficaria verna) Native throughout most of Europe and parts of North Africa, eastwards to western Asia. The flowers generally have eight petals, but any number from seven to 12 can frequently be found. Leaves are shovel-shaped and may be green, or marked with dark and/or light patches.
Hairy Buttercup Ranunculus sardous
Native from the Canary Islands and Northern Africa through much of Europe to the Caucasus.
Rough-fruited Buttercup Ranunculus muricatus
Native to the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Central Asia and India. A low-growing, annual species of disturbed ground.
Corn Buttercup Ranunculus arvensis
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean region to Central Asia and India. Basal leaves narrowly lobed, upper leaves deeply dissected. Most easily told by the seed capsules which are covered in spines.
Mediterranean Buttercup Ranunculus paludosus
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region and northwards along the Atlantic Coast of France to the Channel Islands.
Adder's-tongue Spearwort Ranunculus ophioglossifolius
Native from the Canary Islands eastward through the Mediterranean and Black Sea Regions to Iran. Also rare in northern Europe. Usually in winter-wet places.
Side-flowered Buttercup Ranunculus lateriflorus
Native throughout most of the Mediterranean Region and eastern Europe to Central Asia and Iran. Differs from other buttercups on Lesvos in having the flowers arranged along the stems, in the leaf axils. A plant of wet flushes and damp hollows.
Brackish Water-crowfoot Ranunculus baudotii
Native throughout most of Europe, south into North Africa, becoming rare in the East of its range. Rare on Lesvos, with Mediterranean Pond Water-crowfoot (R. fucoides) being the species more frequently seen on the island. Typically grows in brackish water near the coast.