Pink and Purple Crucifers
Mustard Family - Brassicaceae
Burnt Candytuft Aethionema saxatileNative throughout most of the Mediterranean Region and northward into Central Europe. A plant of dry, stony slopes.
Hoary Stock Matthiola incana
Native to the Mediterranean coasts of Europe, but also widely grown elsewhere as a garden plant. A perennial subshrub of coastal cliffs and rocks.
Sea Stock Matthiola sinuata
Native in the Mediterranean Region and Atlantic coasts of Europe. A perennial or biennial with seed capsules compressed, glandular. Flowers with distinct stalks.
Three-horned Stock Matthiola tricuspidata
Native in the Mediterranean Region. An annual without vegetative leaf rosettes; flowers more or less stalkless, seed capsules bearing three distinct points at the tip.
Sea Rocket Cakile maritima
Native on sandy and shingle beaches throughout Europe, North Africa and western Asia.
Wavy Stock Malcolmia flexuosa
Native in the southern Balkans and through western Turkey to Syria. A coastal plant with slightly fleshy leaves, hairs medifixed and fruiting pedicels thickened to the same width as the seed capsule.
Spring Rock-cress Arabis verna
Native throughout most of the Mediterranean Region. An annual of grassy and stony slopes.
Common Aubretia Aubrieta deltoidea
Native to the mountains of Sicily, southern Greece and Turkey.
Annual Honesty Lunaria annua
Native in Central and southern Europe but widely introduced elsewhere.