Arums & Birthworts
Arum Family - Araceae
Italian Lords-and-ladies Arum italicumNative from South-west England, south and east to the mediterranean Region, Caucasus and Middle East.
Rock Arum Arum rupicola
(Arum conophalloides) Native from Turkey eastwards to the Caucasus, Middle East and Iran. In Greece only known from Lesvos.
Arum orientale
Native from Austria eastwards to the Caucasus and south to the Levant. The form found on Lesvos is sometimes considered a separate species, Arum elongatum, which occurs from the Black Sea region south to the northern Aegean Islands. An overall dark-flowered species with the spathe solidly dark (not spotted) and the purple spadix more than half the height of the spathe.
Friar's-cowl Arisarum vulgare
Throughout the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to the Caucasus.
Dragon Arum Dracunculus vulgaris
Native Through the central and eastern Mediterranean Region from Italy to western Turkey. A huge arum, with flowers to a metre in height. Widespread on the margins of fields and olive groves.
Birthwort Family - Aristolochiaceae
Thracean Birthwort Aristolochia hirtaNative from northeast Greece to southwest Turkey. Uncommon, in shady places such as old olive groves. The strange, tubular flowers look like meerschaum pipes and have earned the group the name of 'Dutchman's-pipe'. The flowers have a foul smell and the intricate design ensnares flies as part of the pollination process.