Periwinkles, Milkweeds & Allies
Dogbane Family - Apocynaceae
Common Oleander Nerium oleanderNative in the Canary Islands and eastward through the Mediterranean Region and Middle East to India. Naturally occurs in stony wadis and barrancos but also widely planted as a garden ornamental and as an amenity plant along roadsides.
Greater Periwinkle Vinca major
Native to southern Europe to the Levant and Caucasus but also widely grown as a garden plant.
Stranglewort Cynanchum acutum
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region and eastwards to Central Asia and China. A twining, herbaceous or lightly woody perennial. Flowers may be pink or white.
Cionura Cionura erecta
Native from the southern Balkans, through Asia Minor to Afghanistan. A shrubby, herbaceous or lightly woody perennial with a foul smell to the leaves and stems. Leaves very variable, from narrowly triangular to rounded.