Amaryllis Family
Amaryllis Family - Amaryllidaceae
Rosy Garlic Allium roseumNative throughout most of the Mediterranean Region. Flowerheads a mix of flowers and bulbils, or occasionally only bulbils; tepals clear pink, showy. Leaves flat or slightly keeled, glossy on the underside. Garlic smell.
Neapolitan Garlic Allium neapolitanum
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region. Flowers with greyish-green anthers, tepals all white on both sides. Leaves flat in cross-section with hairless margins. Garlic smell.
Hairy Garlic Allium subhirsutum
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region. Flowers with pinkish-brown anthers, becoming yellow at maturity; tepals all white on both sides. Leaves flat in cross-section with hairy margins. Garlic smell.
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Wild Leek Allium ampeloprasum
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region from Macaronesia to Central Asia. In grassy places and roadsides, especially around antiquity sites where the plant has been cultivated in the past. Flowerhead compact, scape broad. Flowers off white or dull pink, stamens exserted.
Round-headed Leek Allium sphaerocephalon
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region from Macaronesia to the Caucasus.
Wild Onion Allium viniale
(Crow Garlic) Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region to Iran. Flowerheads may consist of pink flowers, reddish or brownish bulbils, or a combination of the two. Bulbils often sprout green shoots before falling. Spathe with the beak as long as or slightly longer than the base. Leaves narrow (to 4mm wide), hollow-tubular, appearing in clusters and typically upright, but sometimes cork-screwed. Onion smell.
Broad-leaved Leek Allium nigrum
Native throughout the central and eastern Mediterranean Region. Sometimes with gladioli in arable fields.
Cyrill's Leek Allium cyrillii
Native patchily in southern France and Italy, becoming more widespread in the Balkans and eastern Mediterranean Region.
Greater Snowdrop Galanthus elwesii
Native to South-east Europe and Turkey. Leaves broad (up to 30mm wide), glaucous with a clearly hooded tip on the front at the apex. Flowers variable with the inner tepals either marked with green at the tip only, at the tip and base, or with the two marks variously merged into one larger patch of colour.
Bunch-flowered Daffodil Narcissus tazetta
native throughout the Mediterranean Region to western Asia. Flowers December to March. Flowers small, 3-8 per stem. Perianth tube 12-18mm. Tepals yellow or white, 8-22mm long; corona yellow or orange, 3-6mm long.
Common Sea Daffodil Pancratium maritimum
Native to coastal sands from the Canary Islands, through the Mediterranean Region to the Black Sea.