The Nightshade Family
Nightshade Family - Solanaceae
Tree Tobacco Nicotiana glaucaNative to South America but widely introduced and naturalised throughout much of the warm temperate and tropical parts of the world. Common in Fuerteventura as a garden plant and where self-seeded on cultivated ground and roadsides.
Canary Boxthorn Lycium intricatum
Native to the Canary Islands, North-west Africa and extreme South-west Europe. Common in Fuerteventura as a thorny subshrub on dry hillsides.
Sclerophylax spinescens
Native to Paraguay and north-eastern Argentina. Introduced on the Canary Islands and occasionally found around towns and villages.
Common Thorn-apple Datura stramonium
Introduced from the Americas throughout much of the world. Frequent on Fuerteventura in cultivated and disturbed ground.
Recurved Thorn-apple Datura innoxia
Introduced from Central America as a garden ornamental and occasionally found along roadsides and disturbed ground. Sacred Thorn-apple (Datura wrightii) is very similar but has apressed hairs, not raised hairs.
Cock's-eggs Salpichroa origanifolia
Native throughout Eurasia and North Africa; introduced in many other places. A weed of cultivated and disturbed ground.
White Henbane Hyoscyamus albus
Native from Macaronesia and the Mediterranean Region to the Arabian Peninsula. Occurs on all of the Canary Islands.
Black Nightshade Solanum nigrum
Native throughout Eurasia and North Africa; introduced in many other places. A weed of cultivated and disturbed ground.
Common Tomato Solanum esculentum
Introduced from South America for its edible fruits. Occasionally found were self-seeded from dropped fruit in cultivated and disturbed ground.