The Four O'clock Family
Four O'clocks Family - Nyctaginaceae
Bougainvillea Bougainvillea spp.Native to South America but abundantly planted throughout warmer parts of the world as a garden ornamental. Flowers are creamy white, carried in clusters of 3, each with a vividly coloured bract. Three species (Bougainvillea glabra, B. spectabilis and B. peruviana) have been variously used to produce a bewilderment of cultivated hybrids, which may range in flower bract colour from white, through various shades of red and orange to pink. Such plants are often of uncertain parentage and no reference is available to fully assist accurate identification. Books that contain keys, only cover the three species and not hybrids, so are of no use for identification of cultivated plants.
St Helena Hogweed Commicarpus helenae
Native to Macaronesia and eastwards through much of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and southern Asia. Scarce on Fuerteventura, typically trailing on the ground in barrancos.
Marvel-of-Peru Mirabilis jalapa
Introduced from Central America (despite its English name!) as a garden ornamental.