Grasses, sedges, rushes & similar plants
Rushes - Juncaceae
Sharp Rush Juncus acutusNative to southern Europe and the Mediterranean Region, including the Canary Islands. Occasional in damp places along barrancos.
Sedges - Cyperaceae
Smooth Flat-sedge Cyperus laevigatusFound throughout the world's tropical and subtropical regions. Forms patches in damp places along barrancos.
Grasses - Poaceae
Mediterranean Needle-grass Stipellula capensisNative in the tropics and sub-tropics of North Africa, India and the Middle East. Probably native in the Canary Islands on rough and disturbed ground.
Smilo-grass Oloptum miliaceum
Found throughout the world's tropical and subtropical regions. Forms patches in damp places along barrancos.
Slender Oat Avena barbata
Native from the Canary Islands eastward, through the Mediterranean Region and Middle East to northern India.
Lesser Canary-grass Phalaris minor
Native from the Canary Islands eastward, through the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East to India.
Perennial Rye-grass Lolium perenne
Native from Macaronesia and North-west Africa through all of Europe and much of the Middle East to Central Asia and Central Siberia. Commonly grown for amenity purposes.
Golden Dog's-tail Lamarckia aurea
Native from the Canary Islands and eastward through the Mediterranean basin to Ethiopia and northern India.
Adherent Bristle-grass Setaria adhaerens
Native in the tropics and sub-tropics of Africa, India and the Middle East. Probably introduced in the Canary Islands on rough and disturbed ground. Closely resembles Rough Bristle-grass Setaria verticillata but averages smaller flower spikelets and has hairless leaf sheaths.
Buffel-grass Cenchrus ciliaris
Native in the tropics and sub-tropics of Africa, India and the Middle East. Probably native in the Canary Islands on rough and disturbed ground.
Common Thatching-grass Hyparrhenia hirta
Native throughout Africa, the Mediterranean region and Middle East, including the Canary Islands.
Giant Reed Arundo donax
Native in the Middle East, eastward to South-east Asia. Widely planted elsewhere as a screen and shelter belt and often spreading along watercourses and barrancos as an invasive alien, forming thickets of canes to 6m in height.
Common Reed Phragmites australis
Found throughout much of the world as a dominant grass of wetland habitats. Scarce in Fuerteventura due to a shortage of suitable habitat.
Bermuda-grass Cynodon dactylon
Found throughout the world and probably native to the warm temperate and tropical Old World regions.
Indian Wire-grass Eleusine indica
(Yard-grass) Native to sub-saharan Africa, through the Middle East to South-east Asia. Widely introduced elsewhere as a weed of well-trodden places.