The Mustard Family
Mustard Family - Brassicaceae
French Rocket Sisymbrium erysimoidesNative in the Canary Islands and eastwards through the Mediteranean Region and Middle East. Widespread as an adventive of disturbed ground.
Cress Rocket Carrichtera annua
Native in the Canary Islands and eastwards through North Africa to the Middle East. Widespread and common in open habitats.
Canary Rocket Erucastrum canariense
Native and endemic to the Canary Islands. Found in stoney and disturbed places.
Hoary Mustard Hirschfeldia incana
Native from the Canary Islands eastward through the Mediterranean Region to the Middle East. Found in stoney and disturbed places.
Bolle's Stock Matthiola bolleana subsp. viridis
Native to the eastern Canary Islands and Morocco. Found in stoney and sandy, sub-desert habitats.
Sea Rocket Cakile maritima
Widespread and often locally common throughout North Africa, the Mediterranean Region, Middle East and Europe. Typically grows on sandy beaches, often amongst the debris on the high tide line.
Lobularia libyca
Native from the Canary Islands, through the warmer parts of the Mediterranean Basin to the Middle East.
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Horn-fruit Notoceras bicorne
Native from the Canary Islands, through North Africa to the Arabian Peninsula and the western Himalayan Region.