The Broage Family
Borage Family - Boraginaceae
Many-branched Heliotrope Heliotropium ramosissimumNative in the Canary Islands and eastwards across North Africa to the Middle East. Widespread and common in Fuerteventura.
Seaside Heliotrope Heliotropium curassavicum
Native to the Americas and perhaps Australia but widely introduced elsewhere, especially in the Mediterranean Region and southern Africa. Occasional plants may occur on Fuerteventura in disturbed or cultivated areas, roadsides and barrancos.
Mairetis microsperma
Native to the Canary Islands and Morocco. The very small flowers are easily overlooked!
Bonnet's Bugloss Echium bonnetii
Native and endemic to the Canary Islands. Occurs in small numbers in a wide range of habitats.
Purple Viper's-bugloss Echium plantagineum
Native to Macaronesia, southern and parts of western Europe and through the Mediterranean Basin to the Middle East and Caucasus.