The Bindweed Family
Bindweed Family - Convolvulaceae
Coastal Morning-glory Ipomoea cairicaNative to much of sub-saharan Africa, India and South-east Asia. Commonly grown as a garden ornamental and often seen draping over walls in urban areas on Fuerteventura.
Small Blue Bindweed Convolvulus siculus
Found on all the Canary Islands and possibly native, though most often found in secondary habitats around towns and villages.
Medusa's Head Convolvulus caput-medusae
Native and endemic to Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. A rare and local species, occurring in colonies in sandy places.
Alfalfa Dodder Cuscuta approximata
A very widespread species, occurring as a native throughout much of Africa, Europe, western and southern Asia and North and Central America, as well as being introduced elsewhere. This appear to be the widespread and common species in Fuerteventura, draping many bushes of Launaea arborescens with golden or red 'hair' alongside roads and in stony places.
Red Dodder Cuscuta planiflora
Native throughout much of Africa, the Mediterranean basin and eastward to India. A smaller species than Cuscuta approximata with smaller but more numerous, globular heads of flowers.