The Dogbane Family
Dogbane Family - Apocynaceae
Common Oleander Nerium oleanderNative in the Canary Islands and eastward through the Mediterranean Region and Middle East to India. Naturally occurs in stony wadis and barrancos but also widely planted as a garden ornamental and as an amenity plant along roadsides.
Yellow Oleander Cascabela thevetia
Native from Mexico southward to tropical South America. Commonly grown as an ornamental in parks and gardens in warmer parts of the world.
Frangipani Plumeria rubra
Native from Mexico southward to northern South America. Commonly grown as an ornamental gardens in warmer parts of the world. Many plants grown in gardens are horticultural varieties, either of Plumeria rubra or crosses with it and another Plumeria species.
Apple of Sodom Calotropis procera
Native throughout much of Africa, the Middle East, India and South-east Asia. Perhaps native in the Canary Islands in barrancos and waste ground.
Burchard's Carrionflower Apteranthes burchardii
(Caralluma burchardii) Native to the eastern Canary Islands and Morocco. Scarce on Fuerteventura with just a handful of favoured locaions on stony slopes. A bizarre, cactus-like plant with brownish flowers covered in white bristles.