Saltworts & Allies
Amaranth Family - Amaranthaceae
Shrubby Sea-blite Suaeda veraNative to coastal regions of Macaronesia, the Mediterranean Basin and western Europe. Widespread and often locally common in salty barrancos and in coastal habitats, often being dominant. Leaves alternate, hairless.
Vermiculate Sea-blite Suaeda vermiculata
(Suaeda mollis) Native from Macaronesia eastwards through the southern Mediterranean Basin and Sahara to the Middle East, India and Sri Lanka. Widespread and often locally common in in coastal habitats. A low, straggly species.
Divaricate Saltwort Salsola divaricata
Native and endemic to the Canary Islands. Common in sandy areas and in coastal habitats, often being locally dominant. Leaves opposite, hairless.
Vermiculate Saltwort Caroxylon vermiculatum
(Salsola vermiculata) Native to the Canary Islands and patchily through the Mediterranean Region to Iran. Common in most habitats. The small, alternate, pubescent leaves are distinctive, though this is a highly variable species.
Short-leaved Saltwort Maireana brevifolia
Native to Australia and introduced to the Canary Islands. Common in a range of habitats, including as a coloniser of roadsides.
Bassia tomentosa
Native to Macaronesia and Morocco south to Mauretania. Frequent in sandy and gravelly places.