Iceplant Family - Aizoaceae
Canary Islands Iceplant Aizoon canarienseNative in the Canary Islands and widespread throughout the drier parts of Africa, eastward to Pakistan. Very common and widespread in dry places in Fuerteventura.
Common Iceplant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum
Native in the Canary Islands and eastward through the Mediterranean basin to the Arabian Peninsula; also in South Africa. Abundant in Fuerteventura in dry, stony habitats, often carpeting the ground with Slender-leaved Iceplant.
Slender-leaved Iceplant Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum
Native in the Canary Islands and eastward through the Mediterranean basin to the Middle East. Abundant in Fuerteventura in dry, stony habitats, often carpeting the ground with red as the leaves colour up in the sun.
Heart-leaved Iceplant Mesembryanthemum cordifolium
Introduced to Europe and the Canary Islands from South Africa as a garden plant.
Coppery Dewplant Malephora crocea
Introduced from South Africa as a garden ornamental.
Purple Dewplant Disphyma crassifolium
Introduced from South Africa as a garden ornamental.
Hispid Dewplant Drosanthemum hispidum
Introduced from South Africa as a garden ornamental.
Spanish Aizoon Aizoanthemopsis hispanica
Native in the Canary Islands and across the southern Mediterranean basin to the Middle East. Widespread but thinly scattered in Fuerteventura.
Shoreline Purslane Sesuvium portulacastrum
Found throughout the world's tropical and subtropical zones and possibly native in the Canary Islands, but most likely to be found as a garden escape or in amenity areas.
Tetragonia echinata
Native to South Africa but recorded as an introduction on Gran Canaria. Found on Fuerteventura in 2022 and probably the first record for the island.
Purslane Family - Portulacaceae
Common Purslane agg. Portulaca oleracea agg.Native from Macaronesia eastward through much of Africa, the Mediterranean Region and the Middle East. A weed of pavements and urban areas. This is an aggregate of species that can be very difficult to tell apart and often impossible without a hand lens or microscope to study the surface texture of the seeds.