What are they?
Balsams are a distinctive family of plants in the family Balsaminaceae. They have translucent, succulent stems, simple leaves and unusual, tubular flowers with nectar spurs at the back. The tall, Indian (or Himalayan) Balsam is potentially a serious invasive species and threatens biodiversity in a number of the region's important wetlands.
Where are they found?
Originally introduced as novel garden plants, the three species in our area are typically found in damp, shady areas in urban areas or along river valleys and in wetlands.
As a group, the succulent stems, simple leaves and unusual flowers are distinctive. All species have pendulous seed capsules which, when ripe, snap open when touched, flinging the seeds a great distance. Our three species are readily told from each other by flower colour.
Indian Balsam Impatiens glandulifera
(Himalayan Balsam, Policeman's Helmet) Introduced from Asia as a garden ornamental and now spreading into wetland areas and increasing year on year. A highly invasive species that poses a threat to the biodiversity of some of our most important wetlands. Flowers July to October. Flowers range in colour from deep rose through pale pink to white.
Orange Balsam Impatiens capensis
(Jewel-weed) Introduced from North America as a garden plant and now locally common in wetland areas, particularly in the Norfolk Broads. Flowers June to September.
Small Balsam Impatiens parviflora
Introduced from Asia, perhaps accidentally with timber or other shipments. Widespread but very local in shady places. Flowers July to October.
Touch-me-not Balsam Impatiens noli-tangere
Native throughout much of Europe and Asia but occurs only as an introduction in Britain. Rare as a garden escape, but not recorded for some years in our region. Flowers July to September. Rather variable, 20-180cm in height with deep yellow flowers.
Kashmir Balsam Impatiens balfourii
Introduced from northern Pakistan and the western Himalayas as a garden ornamental. Currently rare as a garden escape in Cambridge but in continental Europe, this species is beginning to act as an invasive alien in wet, shady places. Flowers June to September. Similar to Indian Balsam but averages shorter in height. Flowers vary through shades of pink and purple to all white.
Busy-lizzie Impatiens walleriana
Introduced from East Africa as a tender ornamental. Has been recorded as an escape from cultivation but not able to survive our winters. Flowers June to October. A highly variable plant due to horticultural breeding and selection. Wild plants have orange-red flowers, but cultivars may be white or any shade of red, pink, purple or similar, or occasionally with striped flowers.