What are they?
The daphnes are very popular as ornamentals for their highly fragrant flowers, that often appear in late winter and brighten up the early season garden. The flowers have a tubular base, opening to a four petalled mouth and appear in clusters in the upper leaf axils. These are followed by black or red berries. Some species are evergreen and others deciduous. Daphnes are woody perennials, ranging from prostrate, creeping plants to upright bushes.
Where are they found?
Our one native species, Spurge-laurel, is widespread in shady places. Other species are introduced and may rarely be found as survivors from plantings or where discarded on roadsides or rough ground.
This is a small group of species which makes identification straightforward based on the details given under each species.
Mezereon Daphne mezereum
Native in the UK but probably only a garden escape in East Anglia with no obvious pattern to its occurence and often only short-lived where it has been recorded. Flowers February to March. Flowers vivid pinkish-purple, occasionally white in cultivated forms. Leaves deciduous, opening after the flowers.
Spurge-laurel Daphne laureola
Native. Common in woodland on chalky soils or boulder clay and also as a bird-sown plant from cultivated populations in other areas - especially churchyards. Flowers February to March. Flowers greenish-cream. Leaves evergreen.
Twin-flowered Daphne Daphne pontica
Introduced as a garden ornamental from Asia Minor. A number of plants were discovered in woodland west of Norwich in 2017 that were perhaps bird sown. Flowers March to April. Flowers greenish-cream with elongated petals. Leaves evergreen and rather broad. The flowers are joined together in pairs at the base, which can best be seen while they are still in bud.