Full List of Plant Communities

Plant Communities

Using this list

This list provides quick access to all of the plant communities that are covered on this site. Simply click on a community name to go straight to it.

A. Woodland
  • 1. Oak-Ash Woods
  • 2. Oak-Birch Woods
  • 3. Beechwoods
  • 4. Other Deciduous Woodlands
  • 5. Wet Woodland and Carr
  • 6. Wood Pastures and Parkland
  • 7. Coniferous Woods

  • B. Scrub
  • 1. Mixed Scrub
  • 2. Hedgerows
  • 3. Gorse Scrub
  • 4. Bracken Stands

  • C. Heathland
  • 1. Dry Heaths
  • 2. Wet Heaths

  • D. Grassland
  • 1. Calcareous Grasslands
  • 2. Dry Acid Grasslands
  • 3. Mesotrophic Grasslands
  • 4. Rush Pastures
  • 5. Coastal and Floodplain Grazing Marshes

  • E. Wetland
  • 1. Lowland Fens
  • 2. Valley Mires
  • 3. Reedbeds
  • 4. Eutrophic (Nutrient-rich) Lakes
  • 5. Ponds
  • 6. Fluctuating Meres
  • 7. Brackish Lakes
  • 8. Ditches and Dykes
  • 9. Slow Rivers and Streams
  • 10. Faster Rivers and Streams

  • F. Coastal Habitats
  • 1. Mudlats and Sandflats
  • 2. Saltmarshes
  • 3. Strandline Communities
  • 4. Sand Dunes
  • 5. Coastal Vegetated Shingle
  • 6. Saltmarsh Lagoons
  • 7. Sea Walls and Defences
  • 8. Cliffs

  • G. Rural Anthropic Communities
  • 1. Arable Farmland
  • 2. Roadsides
  • 3. Railways

  • H. Urban Anthropic Communities
  • 1. Brownfield Sites
  • 2. Churchyards and Cemeteries
  • 3. Pavement and Walls
  • 4. Urban Green Spaces
  • 5. Municipal Plantings
  • 6. Allotments and Gardens